I had to go all they way to Clayton County to vote in the election and it seem so important before hand. Like i had to schedule and make sure that after i got out of my last class of that day that i had packed my clothes and try to get home soon. I was both exicted and worried, i say to myself what if i mess up and vote for the wrong person and ruin the country for another four years. To tell you the truth i had no prep before i went in to the voting site i did not no real research and saw none odf the debates. I just kinda hoped for the best and went for it, i know horrible person bads citizen. But i just chanced it and went for it, cause either way you would think my vote would be basis. Because i'm both a woman and african american, i know what you're think Obama isn't balck his arbaian/muslism. But alot of people make that connection because he has a dark enough completion i'm sorry but that'a what i think. That peopl wonder off and group up into cluters that we can relate to.
So to end all of the suspense i voted for Obama for the reason that with any help he will improve the irregularity that our society has become. Hopefully he will improve the teaching methods of the schools instead of teching for the test they will be teching for college or for the pure fun or experience of knowledge. Then hopefully improve and speed up/ correct the immigrantion laws and citizenship. So that there won't be millions of illegal immigrants working for America while being America's qoute unqoute strain on society. They would be full flegde citizens and learn to comlain and be assholes like the rest of us "Americans".
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