I really like my boyfriend i mean when i see him my blood boils if that's even possible, but i do know that i feel. I guess i feel kinda warm around my face and my chest, added with the feelings of aniousness, exictement, and nervousness. I don't know how i am even six some old months into the relationship. He just has this werid kinda of hold over me i can go from ating him to my very core to not being able to contain myself around him. Or getting ready to see him for a date,chance encounter or an sleep over. I go from being giddy to distant in less than five minutes frm a simply misunderstanding, but who cares love is not composed and pretty all the time. If i can even call it love to begin with i mean i care about him alot and want to be around him in my spare time if i don't have to work or have any homework due. It's sad really all he has to do is smile or talk to me in Spanish and i'm complacent and content. Tequiero mi mami, I lose my words in my feelings and all i want to do sometimes is just be around and or near him, to have him lay in my lap as i play in his hair. Or for us to be lying i bed looking at eachther until i usually look away from the intensity. Usually on Sunday nights we would lay in my be and watch the FoodNetwork , until one of us turns the tv down or off to go to sleep. Then in the morning for me to get up and shower for class and get ready to leave i kiss him on the forehead and say good bye and i'll be back before he would wake up again. He smiles and mumbles some unknown and turns bak around in my black and gold comforter and goes back to sleep. A few minutes later while on my way to class i will get a text from him saying to have a good day and to try and not be too long coming back to him. The beds lonley and werid without me, i laugh and go to class thinking how stupid he is. And when these days come i'm in complete and total bliss until he has to go back home to Clayco. Because i know these good days don't come often enough and that the bad ones are due and coming on there way.
But its sad that we can only think of the bad things when we're together and the good when we're apart.
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