Friday, April 18, 2008


I think that chetaing is a two way road and that the girl doing it isn't entirely at fault. Don't get me wrong cheating is wrong and you should try your hardest to never do it or get caught up in it but it happens. And the reasons i believe it does is because of a lack of affection, emotion, appeal, and security. Most girls once committed or in a realationship at times lean on their boyfriends for emotional and physical support. By asking them do they look fat in these jeans, should they dye their hair, should they wear the flats or the heels? Are all questions for them they want to know so that they can look good and feel good about themselves but to also know they you think they do too. So when they don't do this or doesn't show them enough attention or any at all they will go wondering to find someone who will. I understand that things come up and you can't call and or text her for a day that's fine but when it goes on for days, that's when it has become a problem. And even with help trying to fix it it doesn't change then yes hse will leave or go to someone else. Who will show her affection say how beautiful she looks today or how they can't wait totalkto them or see them tonight. Things like that will keep a girl close and learn not to stray. But don't atke my advice on it i'm not a professional just a friends who's seen alot of break up and sneaking around gone down before her very eyes.

Terrorist or Freedom Fighters

The difference between being a terrorist or a freedom fighter depends on whoes side your own. And how much media coverage you will have or are accessible to,because take the founding father's as an exsample. To all the lords and citizens of Great Britian they were thought to be terrorist and troubling making colonist. That theyr were unappricative of what their King had done for them by helping to make them their own country/colony/state providence. They see them as ungreatful outsiders who needed help they gave it ti them and now they wanted them gone, without paying them back for all the hard work they had put into their land. Eventhou Great Britian would tax the heck out of the colonies still they felt like they were owed something more. So the Americans grouped together and made an alliance of freedom fighters or rebels to try and over throw Britian's rule in American. Because they were trying to grow as a counrty and not need their help anymore. But that was not how it was preceived so Britian sent in troops to keep the Americans rebels at bay until they could be contained and controlled. But they still found time and locations to meet up in secret to try and organized to get their plans for freedom and indepence underway. Until they launched the first attack on them with their tea, and then the hair started to fly
This is pretty much the same as with the United States and Iraq, all we Americans see is how we have been helping Iraq for years and now all of a sudden for them to attack us and want us out of their country. I guess people feel betrayed but who are we to talke when we had and would have done the same thing if we were still in their position during this war. Iraq's become the new American rebels and we are now Great big bad Britian, oh how the tables have turned.

Olympic Torch

The Olympic torch going through China while they still are prosecuting Tibet and keeping them prisoner. Is like the second spin of the merry go round or a remix to a old song of oppession and dictatorship. But it's werid because the Olympic torch is suppose to symbolize the "endeavor for protection and struggle for victory.", so while our it's games held in hell now. Oh how fall we human beings has fallen from the golden era os the Greek Olympics, but even in those days their was a monarchy. So there's not much room to talk or walk with now huh, the Olympics are made to seem like its a great showing of althlitic falir all over the world. And a showing of team spirit and showmen ship, fairness, and diversity. I wonder where that came from with all the,negativity evilness and down right jealousity that stays at bay at these olympic hosting grounds. Berlin went as far as to kick star allthics out of their country because they were Jewish or some part. But when the games came around not to look mean or unreasonable they kept a poster child in the games for their team, who won a silver medal.
But i guess if you really wany or need to be optimitic you can say that the symbol of the torch changes people even if it's just for a couple of hours to days to fake basic humna kindness and sportmenship. For the camera and the rest of the world to see these torn countries and nations will put of a front of equality and peace for the sake of the games. And how they will look to their future and present suppliers and traders for needed goods and resources. Will hopefully the olympics will one day be held in a place where there is real equality and peace, but i doubt it, becaus eeventhou the United States is said to all rainbows and sun shines or equality and sportsmenship, behind closed doors and wawy from the light of the camera the truth dwells in the darkness yearing for the light.

Dissent is an integral part of Democracy

The article states something that is still a very raw and sensitive issue around the table and classrooms around the nation. Democracy the very bread and buttter of our nation is crunmbling very our very eyes and being made a parady of by the media in every outlet known to man. Withh shows like the Daily Show and Saturday Night Live on air and in constant rotation picking at and belitttling everything the givernment does, doesn't make for very productive citizens. Hell even CNN one of the only thought to be real news shows left on tv, has turned to the sad satire of picking at little known or unknown blunders that the government/officals/and the world might make. To get a laugh, chuckle, or fifteen more minutes of viewing time by their audiences. With by the way they assume are idoits are have some small strain of ADHD plays only to what make them laugh and keep them entertained long enought to improve their ratings, like broadcasting the news isn't enough anymore. Like our primetime television viewing should consist on what Bush messed up on earlier that day or week, and if we happen to miss anything there's aways "The Best WeeK Ever" on VH1 which will caught you up on all the lastest. In gossip, hair, cars, rellationships and politics, i guess the reason for this change is because we don't put enough empahasis on the American democratic system that our four father's worked so hard to earn for us. And because we don't use it i guess we're losing it now to Late Night Shows looking to gain more rates for the 18-28 age range.

Creative Loafting

Wow after reading all those awards i believe that the best prick won in every category. But my favorites where the The Secrets and Sludge Award and The Make 'Em Crawl Back Across the Border Award, they make a decent imprint in my mind. The Make'em crawl back across the border is ridiculous for him to try and rebel against the fourteenth amendment. A law made by our founding father's stating that all slaves where free under the constitution and where to be treated as equals. How dare he try and over rule tradition because He might not like the surplus of immigrants coming to America both legally and illegally. But to actually pull them over na d seize their car if they don't have ID or if their parents weren't born here is completely insane. If we really went by that then no one would be allowed to stay here but descendants of the Native Americas who belong here. He also stated that the chiildern of immigrants born here shoul not be allowed citizenship. What does he want really, a bunch of citizens to just come here from gods no where and be able to blend in to the mainstream culture and be good little lap dogs while he tries and ruins our society an culture. That had taken years and years of sweat blood and taers to bulid and improve upoon because none of us is perfect. Oh except for Rep. Bobby Reese, R-Sugar Hill, you know what he can burn in hell, cause he make sno sense once so ever. I don't see how he got elected to office, seriously peolpe we need to start doing background checks on all of our government officals because we don't know what their thinking or trying to do to our counrty and we're paying them to do it.

Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry is trying i believe to find a balance between what is funny and will sell and the issues taht plague his audiences. That he woulod be a better candiate at bringing to the light ,because in agree that he plays and talks about themes and situations already known and mentioned in other shows or books. He is just able to grab onto a largeer fan base and quickly than the rest. I beleive also what the article states that he beleives and wants ti kinda install in us that with GOD everything will be ok, and that without him you will struggle and go throught a many of meaningless trails. And that seems true for some but not all, but i don't think that it's a false truth or wrong in anyway. Just some people aren't ready fro that type of information right now, OnDemand is enough for now. And also that it would be nice if he could get on larger and more impeding subjects like black on black violence and self hate with in the community. But again he is only one man and can only do so much a day, eventhou the world may think he can do millions. But again with these new topics he would need more time and reseraches to make it funny to try and soften the blow of societies many hidden flaws. Their kinda funny like the elephant in the room at every gathering or event. But once you get amongst friends the lephant is quite visible and everyone is talking to him. But things and cahnge just takes time.

R.L. Burnside art?

Why should blue's be considered a form of art, because no one can copy it orfake the blues'. It has to be organic and come from within, you have to have gone through the blue's or a seriously troubling time in your life to have the creditals to sing the blues. That's way the few true blue's players that are left are treasured and sought for by true music lovers for their craft and experience. It's also a form of atr in how it teaches peopl not by the words per say but by the foundation it has laid for the rest of thr world's music to latch onto for support and further growth. The likes of Rythm and Blues , Hip Hop or what's left of it, along with jazz, rock and roll and bluegrass. With the shouting and yelling of some lyrics while still telling a story and trying to get the crowd invlved in what your singing about.
Because most songs made today should try and tell the listeners and audiences a story to get them entertained and interested in hearing the rest of the song or more like it. But nothing really compares to artist who can play their song acoutistic without all the high tech sounds and effects we have made over the years. It's like they are regessing back to the classical way music was and enjoyed. And it's simply done with the artist, their guitar and maybe their fellow band members if they have any. And just let it all hang out, and that's what R.L and Model T does when they perform bless their souls. They would bring it and have no prisoners after a show, no one would leave dissappionted. They would ahve all found some deep feeling of mirth, happiness, or completion, if not joy after the shows.

Gap VS Earth, Wind, and Fire

Who came up with this idea? I'm soo mad about all of it what were you on and or thinking about? But anyway i think that the GAP band might win over Earth, Wind and Fire. Not because they're younger or anything if they even are, it's because i see EWF as lovers not fighters. And they seem more hippish and kinda high in their songs and ballads. They are more of a happy go lucky band who just wants to be friends and love you till the sun goes down and comes back up again. While the GAP band seems more enegerized and amped like they wake up early in the morning ready to make a song or to get the day started. And they also seem more built and solid frames, EWF seem kinda slim and fragile because they are older than GAP. But some old men still have fire burning in their gut that has gotten them through wars and oppesions and then there's just plain out pride. That they just can allow them to let a youngster beat doen on them. It's kinda like your younger sibling saying they can beat you up and doing it. You would before that fight make sure that you do whatever it takes in your power to win this fight, because it menas alot to you. It goes into dominationation and Alpha male type scineros, where if you lose you will be submissive to the victory until you changlle them to a battle and win back your pride and dominance. But again i think the GAP band would win unless EWF just completely freak out and woop in on the GAP band. Like a store clerk on a robber who had failed to rob his store, or mom who caught her child stealing.

Voting for the first's so anticlimatic

I had to go all they way to Clayton County to vote in the election and it seem so important before hand. Like i had to schedule and make sure that after i got out of my last class of that day that i had packed my clothes and try to get home soon. I was both exicted and worried, i say to myself what if i mess up and vote for the wrong person and ruin the country for another four years. To tell you the truth i had no prep before i went in to the voting site i did not no real research and saw none odf the debates. I just kinda hoped for the best and went for it, i know horrible person bads citizen. But i just chanced it and went for it, cause either way you would think my vote would be basis. Because i'm both a woman and african american, i know what you're think Obama isn't balck his arbaian/muslism. But alot of people make that connection because he has a dark enough completion i'm sorry but that'a what i think. That peopl wonder off and group up into cluters that we can relate to.
So to end all of the suspense i voted for Obama for the reason that with any help he will improve the irregularity that our society has become. Hopefully he will improve the teaching methods of the schools instead of teching for the test they will be teching for college or for the pure fun or experience of knowledge. Then hopefully improve and speed up/ correct the immigrantion laws and citizenship. So that there won't be millions of illegal immigrants working for America while being America's qoute unqoute strain on society. They would be full flegde citizens and learn to comlain and be assholes like the rest of us "Americans".

See No Evil

The CIA to the government is it's ground or foot soliders to handle all of it's dirty business overseas. And they will do what it takes to get what they want, they thrive on cheating, lying, and stealing to get stuff done. They go as far as to take on completely fake identites so long that they actually start and believe them. Forgetting about their families at home and their old lives before the CIA. Like in the movie Bob's son seemed so distant and non chalant about his dad visiting. And was kinda questionable on why he was there to begin with, seeing as how he can easlily be away from home for years at a time. With no phone call or check in at all because he's undercover nad can not risk breaking cover for anyone. Because it has now become more than his life on the line it's become the countries well being and status. Beecause if for some reason he is caught and tortured he could disspell the secrerts of the nation to the kidnappers. So as a plan B or scaprgoat made by the governmebt they simply wipe him off the face of the planet destroying his birth certificate, SSV card and State ID of any form. The government saw it as it better if just you suffer or go down then the whole nation. We're sorry if this seems mean or hard but it's how we stayed on top for so long and alive. Like on of the lawyers or congress men said in th movie"lying, cheating, stealing is as American as Apple pie it's how they make money and survive. It's what's seperate them from the bums on the street it's their bread and butter."
The CIA seems like a shady, lonley job to enlist in, and ffrom the passage and the movie i don't think i would be joining anytime soon. I like my identy and my family and friends a little, then all the work you have to put in to lie everyday to people you don't know. The the pressure of if you get caught what will happen to you not just in the foreign country but when ever yo make it back home, what surprises what for you there.


When i was in grade school there was a little rhyme that my teacher taught me about the bathroom. And it goes " If you sprinkle when you tickle please be neat and wipe the seat" I got the glits of that rhyme at the tender age of 5 while is it that grown teenagers does seem t understand it? I mean i get and understand the santation issue but seriously people why just leave it there? When females decide to go to the bathroom they usually don't seat on the seat unless their are at home or a friend/ family member's home. They use it and leave the bathroom and sometimes they leave pee on the seat, and simply go to the sink to wash their hands and leave. So their pee is exposed to all the germs and bacteria of the public bathroom for the next unsuspecting lady to enter that stall. Everyones afriad of catching crabs from toliet seat do youknow how many people actually catch it that way? Less than 2% a year if that many, so tell me what do you think is in your urine, that is so good that it can just be left there to stand for hours on a toliet? And that's all types of wrong why would you do that to another human being, for anyone who has ever sat on pee in a public bathroom you understand. It is the most disgusting thing that can happen to you in your daily routine, it ruins your day. So what is so hard about after you use the bathroom after you pull your pants up, but before you open the door to syop and wipe your seat down. By you doing this you are helping yourself and the next lady who comes in to use it. And with any luck she will repeat what you did, and the bathroom might just be a better place to go and pee. And your also setting a great exsample for your younger siblings/childern to learn and adopt. So

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Eng1102 Underconstruction

I really can't say what i would change about the class it's one of my favorite classes this semester. It's the only reason i get up in the morning by knowing in a couple of hours i get to go to Eng1102. Because the class is laid back, funny, and professional, all at the same time. Nothing is taboo in the class room and everybody is respectable and funny in their own ways. But Miller is the ring leader some how no matter what a classmate might have to say, being a smart ass or generally just wanting to know. He will always have a remark twice as fast and funny too without skipping a beat. And will continue with the class, i learnt about how bad my grammar is in my writings and how to cite soureces in MLA front. I know i know how did i make it this far in college without knowing how but i did somehow so get over it.
The class is exicting and engaging and most of all it doesn't baby us, it allows us to go out and figure things out for ourselves. We get to read and learn about things i might never read or have known about before this class. And finally its helped me to better organized my paper and agurments after reading the book and my first paper. But i do have some concerns and thoughts..... yea the surprise quizzes over movies and the reading asking werid questions. Like what was Bob's last name in Syrianna that was one of the most WTF moments i had in the class. And that there is no extra credit that i know of and i wish there were some just in case.

Monday, April 14, 2008

wet memories

I know we have parted and haven't talked since the break up but i can still her your voice in my head. And it doesn't make me cry or anger me, it makes me feel good to hear your voice so close to my ear. I can almost feel the heat of your breathe as you talk into my ear or neck. Either was fine because they would still gave the same result from me. I can almost relive our relationship when i sleep, but the way i wanted, i don't change much. The summer of 07 was the best to me because i had you all to myself and we couldn't get enough of eachother. While still trying to discover eachother, neither too quick to give our feeling nad interest to anybody easily. We do almost anything together and it wasn't boring in the least, we would skip school and go to your house and make breakfast. Then after eating would go and watch tv, play around the house, the finally go back to your room to sleep. And believe it or not that's exactly what we would do sleep together until one of your brothers would come asking for something. Distrubing ou little world of us just looking at eachother, messing with your, face, and you hitting my butt and i in turn hit your backs. And say see now you don't like that do you? You look at me and smile saying ohh do it again baby yea! I look at you then look away smiling and trying not to laughing saying i'm so mad. Yea our adventures in the car when i can never get any directions right and if you didn't know where you where going we would get lost. But i don't think we ever cared too much even the nights when we would agrue. When we would get a chance to make up and be together again it would more than worth the fight. The way you would hang your hang in shame and walk over smiling under your dropped head and then get real close to me then lick me. EWWWWWWWWWW you could away ruin a moment too.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Angel Eyes and the summer of 07

Angel Eyes by Beres Hammond is a reggae r&b song that my friend Tramanie hooked me on to. But not before my boyfriend had fell head first into the whole reggae, reggaton, and soca music subculture. So one day when we were having a fight or something or another and no one was really listening to anybody esle i had gotten upset about something and turned my head to leave. But he trapped me between the car and his body saying for me to look at him and i couldn't, then slowly emgering from the background was Angel Eyes. And like it or not this song brings back memories, some good and bad i kinda wanna cry alittle. Becausse i can almost relive the exact moment and that intense stare you gave me while this song played.I don't know why i was so wishy washy but this song makes me both very happy and kinda scared becuase with that stare i thought you could see through my soul and glance upon my demons. So i averted my eyes but you just picked up my chin and looked me in my eyes again and saw me broken alittle and crying. I felt so weak and stupid for letting my walls down in front of you but you teared up too and just kinda held me there. And i just placed my head in your chest and stared hoping to look through you and be with you that moment, that night and hipefully the next day. Yes this song takes me there, but now that we have parted does this song bring a bitter taste to my mouth. Not really it wasn't the song fault we didn't make it, it was yours. But thats besides the point the song is beautiful and evert time i hear it takes me back to our real good times together during our summer of passion, our summer 07.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Life after the b r e a k

It happened almost out of nowhere but i knoew it was coming so i wasn't completey caught off guard that doesn't mean in the least that it was easy. I get a text while trying to aviod doing my homework from him and i'm kinda exicted, because i hadn't heard from him in awhile. It stated that he would call me after he got off work and needed to talk to me. So i textedback a little worried and asked why and what i did, he stated back nothing he wanted to talk about us. My stomach tighten and i felt a little sick at that moment i texted back ok. I put my phone down and just looked at it for a minute, then i picked it back up and looked through all of my picture for one's of him and then the internet. Hours later after i had just gotten finish with my shower he called me, and asked what i was doing and how i was doing. For a quick momonent i felt a spark of hope maybe i had misunderstood his earlier message, thenhe said do you know why i wanted to talk to you? I said i guessed and then he proceeded to tell me that he wanted to break up becaus ehe felt as thought he wasn'y giving enough attention as i needed as his girlfriend and that he didn't want to come in between me meeting someone new in Atlanta. I wasn't happy in the relationship and that he needed to get his life together because he had just got his car towed and two tickets i said ok. We talked acouple of more minutes and then he hung up saying that he would see me around and i replied sarcasically yeah sure as i hung up.And i would just look the pictures not really saying anything then i moved from my desk to my bathroom and played in my hair, and thought back to why i had decide to dye my hair this color and have it this long. It was beause he had said he liked long hair and that they dye made me look more hispanic, and with that i turned on my iHome and turned to Danity Kane. And allowed Potery to fill the room as i combed and brushed my hair staright all around my face then i went to my dresser and took out my scissors and i started cutting it all away. It was time for me to start loving and liking me again, and this would be a start.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The evolution of boy

He went from saying that he loved my boobs to my smile, that my eyes could pierce and see right throught him. To his very soul and at times it intimadated him and he would push me away in fear of the unknown. But i was persistent and knew that i was right, so i let him have his space to organize his feelings. He went from laughing about some nasty joke he made about some girl to about something i did earlier that today. We went from going to the mall so that i can find an outfit. To him dropping me off at the entrance to walking with me throught the mall and waiting outside the dressing room. We have gone to eachother's house to eat with the parents, my anut has doubted his manhood by a glance at his shoes, and his mother has engaged me at first look. And we haven't run from eachother screaming of insanity and foul play. Danced the night away as friends and walked out as lovers, with a deep connection. But it doesn't stop there we have gone throught a very noisy and denmanding ex, who wants more attention than i believe she is entitle to. Held him when he cried about how he was hurting me by giving i to her and not being able to go to college with me. And now he has this idea that i'm cheating on him by me being so far away from home, and our fun filled adventures both in the day and night. But we have found an good medium he will come and see me on Friday or Saturday nights depending on his work shift to come and see me or spend the night. And i go back to home to spend time with him and our other friends, to go to the movies, resturants, and theme parks.Now he has gone from lusting for me to almost loving me and he still has room to grow because the evolution of man took billions of years, he has atleast a thousand left to go.

Feeling about self:chunky edition

I really like my boyfriend i mean when i see him my blood boils if that's even possible, but i do know that i feel. I guess i feel kinda warm around my face and my chest, added with the feelings of aniousness, exictement, and nervousness. I don't know how i am even six some old months into the relationship. He just has this werid kinda of hold over me i can go from ating him to my very core to not being able to contain myself around him. Or getting ready to see him for a date,chance encounter or an sleep over. I go from being giddy to distant in less than five minutes frm a simply misunderstanding, but who cares love is not composed and pretty all the time. If i can even call it love to begin with i mean i care about him alot and want to be around him in my spare time if i don't have to work or have any homework due. It's sad really all he has to do is smile or talk to me in Spanish and i'm complacent and content. Tequiero mi mami, I lose my words in my feelings and all i want to do sometimes is just be around and or near him, to have him lay in my lap as i play in his hair. Or for us to be lying i bed looking at eachther until i usually look away from the intensity. Usually on Sunday nights we would lay in my be and watch the FoodNetwork , until one of us turns the tv down or off to go to sleep. Then in the morning for me to get up and shower for class and get ready to leave i kiss him on the forehead and say good bye and i'll be back before he would wake up again. He smiles and mumbles some unknown and turns bak around in my black and gold comforter and goes back to sleep. A few minutes later while on my way to class i will get a text from him saying to have a good day and to try and not be too long coming back to him. The beds lonley and werid without me, i laugh and go to class thinking how stupid he is. And when these days come i'm in complete and total bliss until he has to go back home to Clayco. Because i know these good days don't come often enough and that the bad ones are due and coming on there way.

But its sad that we can only think of the bad things when we're together and the good when we're apart.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Real College Life

When i was a child my parents would always tell me go to school and get good grades so you can go to college. Because unfortunately none of them got a chance to finish or even go to college,so they would hope that we all did good in school to go for them and us i guess.When i was in high school i was a gifted student and placed in AP classes i like the classes because they were small and i got to creat an real relationship with my teachers. I even went to Europe with one of them, Mr.Holmes he was my AP American History teacher. And college to me then was just getting out of high forever and i couldn't wait.So anyway once i started my seniorf year in high school this werid disease starting spreading all over campus, called Senioritis. It occured when a high school senior had been accepted into the college of their choice early and it was clear that they would graduate. The sympotoms included extreme tardiness to all classes, and strange disappearances around lunch time along with routine amounts of skipping wothout punishment if you were not caught. And i had it bad along with the rest of the AP Kids from my AP Physics classes, our attendance was better at the local IHOP nad Waffle House than in AP Literature.

Then college starts and my grandmother couldn't be happier and proud of me because really to tell you the truth i like and respect her more than my mom, she was never really there anyway. So i would work harder on my homework, quizzes and test just so that she could go around and tell all her friends how smart her granddaughter is. I also jioned the Soccer team, Newspaper,FBLA,TSA, and the Culture Club to ensure she would be proud. Because in a way i believe that she trying to live out her younger days through me, and i don't mind. So after GSU, I'm going into the Police force Atlanta PD to be exact.To in later years become a police detecive and work on homicides and other troubling investigative cases. But i really have to stop percuassionating and putting things off till the last minute, my GPA won't make if I don't get better.

But my reason for college is for both me and ny grandmother and i really hope that i can continue to make her proud.Because we both need alittle hope for the future.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


What's makes someone an criminal or the scum of the community? What do you believe drove them to that point in their life where i presume they simply snapped. Well a criminal in the Criminal Justice understanding is an indiviual who has engaged and performed in many deviance and law breaking activies no matter how small. So do you know anybody who would fit this profile? You do you just might not know it just yet, sit back and think about for a minute. Has any of your friends shoplifted, ditched at a resturant when it was time to pay the check, or even snunk into a movie or theme park? Yea you can bring up a couple of names now can't you well all of the names that would fit this profile are all criminals. Eventhou we don't think must of it when our friend steals a sandwich from the cafeteria or a shirt from a store, by you not saying anything about to them or anyone else you are in engaging and aiding in your friend's criminal behavior. Now if he or she is caught and you are with them your going to the detention center with them, with aiding in a crime printed on your permanent record. Let that stink in by you being a good friend and not snitching on your friend or trying to stop them performing in the deviance you are as much in the wrong as they are, and you didn't even do anything i know. And you right because you didn't do anything is why you are an suspect in the investigation of the theif. But after all that is said and done you all are free right you can start off on a clean slate right,no. In our judical sysytem and community, eventhou you have served your time to the state your community stills feels the need to punishe you further. By having you state on any job application or credit card approval form whether or not you've served time in jail and what for. And from that information alone they could choose not to hire you no matter your education or creditals. Their reasoning being they don't want to hire a criminal to work for them stating that they can not trust them and they might turn aganist them and steal them blind. And that's just the beginning imagine how hard it's gonna be to get a car, apartment/house, or even another love intrest. This is one of the main reason some criminal catchg a case and in back up in jail, because their community no longer wants them back.